The Sprout School
Shaping Leaders for Tomorrow!

Role of Parents


A parent is their child’s first teacher and should remain their best teacher throughout life.

The proper role of the parent is to provide encouragement,support & access to activities that enable the child to master key development tasks.

The role of parents in child development is responsive, – re sponsible & never governs responses,actions,thinking and decision making of a child in the following areas.

  • Cognitive development
  • Socio – Cultural Development
  • Physical Development
  • Mental Development


  • Be positive
  • Be sensitive to your child ’s Needs
  • Be Emotionally Present
  • Communicate Effectively
  • Be Affectionate to All
  • Set Routines forplay, Eating and Sleep.
  • Make Family Outing a part of your Routine.
  • Talk to The Child Even when Tired.
  • Build Trust, Love and Fair – play in Relationships.
  • Help your child Understand the importance of Speaking Right and Honestly.